BKID Bank full form in Hindi | BKID Bank ifsc code | BKID full form | BKID Bank ka full form kya hai
BKID Bank full form is Bank of India. Actually BKID is Starting digit of IFSC code of Bank of India. The ifsc code for bank of india is starts with BKIDXXXXXXX.
Bank of India is established on 7th september,1906 by some businessman and this bank starts from Mumbai. But in July 1969 it will be nationalised by Indian Government. This bank come in the list of National Banks and some other 13 banks are also nationalised with this bank.
Now this bank has more than 5000 branches operational in India with 59 Regional Offices and 10 NBG (National Banking Group) Offices.
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Bank starts with 50 employees and a paid up capital of 50 lakhs. But after years it will expand its business over in the country and out of country.
The Bank of India is also a SWIFT Member in India. It has other braches in more than 18 foreign countries like Dubai, New York, Paris, London, Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo. It has spread its banking services in more than 5 continents.
Bank of India Tagline is ”Relationship Beyond Banking”.
BKID Bank Full form in Hindi
BKID Bank full form in hindi is बैंक ऑफ इंडिया.
Other full forms:-
BKID Bank Contact Details
Toll Free Numbers:- 18001031906
Toll Free Number for Covid Support:- 1800220229
Aadhar Seva Kendra Location – Click Here
Find BKID Bank ATM or Branch – Click Here