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APMC Full Form – Agriculture Produce Market Committee
There are lakhs of farmers are protesting against the new farmer’s laws. On which farmers are just thinking that their land is taken over by big companies. They also think that their product has not got an actual value that is decided by companies or other big corporates.

What is APMC (Agriculture Produce Market Committee) or APMC Kya hai
State Government has established a Marketing Committee to remove the exploitation of farmers by intermediaries and other market elements because they are like a virus for farmers because they are not giving them the actual value of their produce.
APMC Full Form means Agriculture Produce Market Committee
By Using this sales are done through auction because all the produce of farmers gets to the market it will be auctioned by the intermediaries. Some licensed persons are there to buy this produce and they give them a low value to the farmers. So Govt. needs an amendment in APMC for farmers’ future.
Companies and Retailers are not able to purchase the products directly from farmers. So there is a need for intermediaries who buy from farmers at a low price and sell it to retailers or wholesalers at a high price.
This is a State Government subject because it is under the marketing committee which is regulated by the state govt. APMC ( Agriculture Produce Market Committee) is introduced due to overcoming these intermediaries by getting the actual value of produce.
By the APMC there are useless intermediaries and other useless factors are removed and farmers are getting good value and increase market efficiency by removing extra charges.
Full-Form of APMC in Hindi, APMC Full form in Hindi
APMC – कृषि उपज विपणन समिति
By APMC Act there are several changes are entertained by the State Government.
What is MSP, Full Form of MSP, MSP full form
MSP – Minimum Support Price
This is the minimum prices for produce which is decided by the state government because farmers didn’t get an actual value of their produce such that they get the right value that is the minimum set by the government. We can also say the this the price by which anyone can purchase from farmers at it.
Farmers need some incentives from the government to grow the value of produce and a good value for produce and they are encouraged to produce more grain (harvest). MSP is very supportive of farmers because as we see there is a lot of suicide by farmers in the entire country.
MSP is firstly introduced in the 1960s and still existing in the market. Some of the essential changes are introduced by the Government.
The electronic portal of the National Agriculture Market is an electronic pan India market where all agriculture commodities are registered and prices decided.
e-NAM is an online portal where information of any commodities and price for APMC. Buy and Selling trade values that are set up. Also, other services are informed to this online portal.
There are 1000 markets are attached to e-NAM from 18 States and 3 UTs. Farmers are standing against new agriculture laws whenever govt. is ready to talk with farmers on this matter but the farmer wants to scrap these laws and apply the existing MSP.
There is a various location in the state in which Mandis are present and all are administered by different APMCs.
Drawback of APMC
Monopoly in the trade is effect bad, it deprives farmers of better customers and Consumers of original suppliers.
Essential Commodities Act 1955 Vs APMC Act
The scope of the Essential Commodities Act (EC Act) is much broader than the APMC Act. It empowers the central and state governments concurrently to control the production, supply, and distribution of certain commodities, including pricing, stock-holding, and the period for which the stocks can be kept and to impose duties.
The APMC Act, on the other hand, controls only the first sale of agricultural produce. Apart from foodstuff which is covered under the APMC Act, the commodities covered under the EC Act generally are drugs, fertilizers, and textiles, and coal.
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